Article on seclusion rooms and restraints…
I agree with the following quote from the article:
“The problem is that teachers see seclusion itself as a behavioral intervention, a tool to help kids behave when in fact it’s a method of last resort when intervention has failed [emphasis mine],” Margolis said. “Teachers need more training”
My take- If you, as an administrator, direct care staff, or family member, choose to misrepresent or cover up what is truly happening on your watch…you’re putting people at risk, and need to be held accountable.
That said…
For discussion-
Training as in…implementing as a last resort, and in a safe way? I’ve told many a case manager I’d rather have staff safely implement a restraint procedure prematurely than have an untrained (under trained) staff react emotionally and create an unsafe/abusive environment. I can work with staff on delaying implementation of restraint procedures…I’m not able to follow up with someone who has been terminated for abuse. (As a field we’re trying to address staff turnover as well…right?)
“More training” often comes across as a panacea that will solve everything…yet never seems to get defined more specifically.
How much of that training will actually be DD specific and not just another approach being re-packaged and “sold to” conference attendees?
Who funds more training?
What happens when the so called training is itself considered abusive by some? (i.e. ABA (Applied Behavior Analysis) – see earlier blog posts)
Why aren’t PRN psych meds being scrutinized and addressed in the same way? PRN medication, more often than not, is the go-to first option for squelching potential challenges. Shouldn’t cognitive restraints be included in this discussion…don’t they come with their own set of risks?